Limna - Lausanne Integrative Metabolism Nutrition Alliance

2020 X. Deligianni, A. Hirschmann, N. Place, O. Bieri, and F. Santini, Dynamic MRI of plantar flexion: A comprehensive repeatability study of electrical stimulation-gated muscle contraction standardized on evoked force, PLoS One, 15(11), pp e0241832, 2020. Pubmed

2020 V. Scheer, P. Basset, N. Giovanelli, G. Vernillo, G. P. Millet, and R. J. S. Costa, Defining Off-road Running: A Position Statement from the Ultra Sports Science Foundation, Int J Sports Med, 41(5), pp 275-284, 2020. Pubmed

2020 V. Scandella, R. C. Paolicelli, and M. Knobloch, A novel protocol to detect green fluorescent protein in unfixed, snap-frozen tissue, Sci Rep, 10(1), pp 14642, 2020. Pubmed

2020 V. Petrenko, N. R. Gandasi, D. Sage, A. Tengholm, S. Barg, and C. Dibner, In pancreatic islets from type 2 diabetes patients, the dampened circadian oscillators lead to reduced insulin and glucagon exocytosis, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 117(5), pp 2484-2495, 2020. Pubmed

2020 V. Petrenko, M. Stolovich-Rain, B. Vandereycken, L. Giovannoni, K. F. Storch, Y. Dor, S. Chera, and C. Dibner, The core clock transcription factor BMAL1 drives circadian beta-cell proliferation during compensatory regeneration of the endocrine pancreas, Genes Dev, 34(23-24), pp 1650-1665, 2020. Pubmed

2020 V. Lavallard, D. Cottet-Dumoulin, C. H. Wassmer, C. Rouget, G. Parnaud, E. Brioudes, F. Lebreton, K. Bellofatto, E. Berishvili, T. Berney, and D. Bosco, NLRP3 Inflammasome is Activated in Rat Pancreatic Islets by Transplantation and Hypoxia, Sci Rep, 10(1), pp 7011, 2020. Pubmed

2020 V. L. Wyckelsma, T. Venckunas, M. Brazaitis, S. Gastaldello, A. Snieckus, N. Eimantas, N. Baranauskiene, A. Subocius, A. Skurvydas, M. Paasuke, H. Gapeyeva, P. Kaasik, R. Paasuke, J. Jurimae, B. A. Graf, B. Kayser, N. Place, D. C. Andersson, S. Kamandulis, and H. Westerblad, Vitamin C and E Treatment Blunts Sprint Interval Training-Induced Changes in Inflammatory Mediator-, Calcium-, and Mitochondria-Related Signaling in Recreationally Active Elderly Humans, Antioxidants (Basel), 9(9), pp, 2020. Pubmed

2020 V. Cigliola, L. Ghila, S. Chera, and P. L. Herrera, Tissue repair brakes: A common paradigm in the biology of regeneration, Stem Cells, 38(3), pp 330-339, 2020. Pubmed

2020 V. Castelo-Szekely and D. Gatfield, Emerging Roles of Translational Control in Circadian Timekeeping, J Mol Biol, 432(12), pp 3483-3497, 2020. Pubmed

2020 U. Simeoni, C. Osmond, R. Garay, C. Buffat, F. Boubred, C. Chagnaud, E. Jouve, C. Audebert, J. M. Antoine, and K. Thornburg, Leptin and insulin in young adulthood are associated with weight in infancy, J Endocrinol, 244(2), pp 249-259, 2020. Pubmed

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