Limna - Lausanne Integrative Metabolism Nutrition Alliance

Group Leader
Vincenzo Sorrentino

Group of Cellular Muscle Biology, Dept of MSH - NIHS

Our research focuses on the molecular, cellular and nutritional mechanisms driving skeletal muscle plasticity during health and disease, in particular during aging. Our work takes advantage of a cross-species scientific pipeline, ranging from in vitro cellular models to the in vivo nematode model C. elegans, to study conserved cellular mechanisms of muscle homeostasis and function. These include mitochondrial function, cellular bioenergetics, protein synthesis, aggregation and degradation, which collectively contribute to ensure muscle cellular homeostasis during adulthood and aging.


  • Biology of aging
  • Mitochondria
  • Muscle
  • Proteostasis
  • C.elegans


Dr. Vincenzo Sorrentino, Group Leader

Group of Cellular Muscle Biology

Dept of MSH

Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences

EPFL Innovation Park, Building H

1015 Lausanne

