Limna - Lausanne Integrative Metabolism Nutrition Alliance

Marlen Knobloch


Short CV

Marlen Knobloch has been trained as a neurobiologist, obtaining her PhD with Prof. Nitsch at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, where she developed a novel mouse model for Alzheimer’s disease and contributed to a novel immunization approach.

Her postdoctoral work with Prof. Jessberger at ETH/ University of Zürich focused on the metabolic requirements of adult neural stem cells. Her work has uncovered an important mechanism how lipid metabolism controls neural stem cell activity.

Since 2017, Marlen Knobloch holds a tenure track assistant professorship at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. She and her team are studying how metabolism regulates stem cell behaviour. While the main focus is on neural stem cells, she also investigates whether metabolic activities control different somatic stem cells in similar ways.


Marlen Knobloch, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Biomedical Sciences
University of Lausanne
Rue du Bugnon 7
CH-1005 Lausanne, Switzerland
Tel:    +41(0)21 692 55 06