Limna - Lausanne Integrative Metabolism Nutrition Alliance


Friday 27th January 2017
12h15 - Bugnon 7, 1005 Lausanne - seminar room, 6th floor

What's wrong with my stats? A new vision in biostatistics for a reproducible research


Dr Romain-Daniel Gosselin  

CEO Biotelligences LLC

Biostatistics are inherent to life science. Their correct use minimizes the incidence of false positive or false negative results and secures experimental reproducibility. Biologists misuse and misunderstand the basic concepts in biostatistics, hence a growing concern about the proportion of irreproducible data in the published literature. We have striped biostatistics from their mathematical complexity and provide biologists with tailored and understandable guidance for their research. We will present our activities, including our non-profit actions, and especially our solutions to foster science reproducibility and reliability.

Host: Prof. Lluis Fajas